Church for the Campus

One of the most fruitful mission fields in the world is the college campus. The Great Commission says to go into all the world. The campus is where all the world comes to us. Let’s go make disciples on the campus. Are you ready?

If You Are…

Considering planting

Do you want to start a new church on or near a campus? We’ve got your back. Learn more about our planting process and everything BE1MK1 can do to help you here.

Currently leading

If you are already serving on or near a campus and want to learn more about our DNA, training, and network of other leaders like you, contact us today!

Passionate about
the campus

You want to see the next generation find and follow Jesus. We keep things simple. Your partnership with us starts new churches. Connect with us or give now.


A Church for the Campus is:

  • The Word of God contained in the 66 books of Scripture serves as the authority to shape our theology and doctrine. Our faith statement articulates the essentials we hold for alignment and partnership.

  • Disciple making is the mission and the campus is the primary mission field. Decision making is driven by commitment to the mission and multiplication. A commitment to sending, planting, and mobilizing starts immediately.

  • We pursue diversity and intergenerational connection for the purpose of being a church for all seasons of life. The next generation is best raised within a nurturing, holistic church family. People of all ages within the community are invited to participate in the primary mission as a way to accomplish their personal mission (reaching & raising their family, neighbors, and community).

  • To be FOR the campus you have to be in the campus. A Church for the Campus is made up of people who integrate into the life of the campus through work, volunteering, and overall service of the university. By being present we become available for the mission of Jesus in that place.

  • Reaching the Lost
    - Evangelism is a high priority

    Shaping the Young
    - Helping new followers develop a Jesus-centered way of life

    Training the Hungry
    - Providing opportunities to engage the mission personally

    Sending the Ready
    - It is the ultimate win to send a prepared disciple maker to live within their God-designed purpose

  • The Model is Simple

    • The Leadership team (church & campus) with biblical elders

    • Assembly, groups, & ministries designed for core mission

    Sending is Success

    • Sending graduating students to live on mission for Jesus

    • Sending prepared leaders to plant multiplying churches

Our Process Includes


Getting started right makes all the difference. We serve you by helping you have a clear picture of your readiness. Every person we serve we want them to plan on being in ministry for the long haul, which means we have to get off on the right foot.


Our team has been serving in ministry on the campus for over 25 years and offer a comprehensive training process to help you be effective at reaching the lost, training new leaders, planning with simplicity, etc…


From dream to launch through years of faithful ministry, we come alongside planters to provide accountability, project management, and collective wisdom as they navigate all of the variables of planting a church. From disciple making strategy to filing for your EIN we’re there with you every step of the way.


Doing ministry on the front lines can be difficult. No one should do it alone. When we come alongside you to help you plant, we stick with you through ongoing coaching and network connection with other leaders who are doing ministry like you.

Are you ready to make disciples on the campus?

Connect with us and let’s get started!