About be1mk1
You want to live on mission. We want to help.
The desire to live with clarity, passion, and mission is inside all of us. We are convinced this is the abundant life Jesus promised those who follow His lead and practice His ways. Each of us share the same mission - Be a disciple who makes disciples. Therefore, disciple making is born out of our own discipleship of Jesus. To that end, we exist to help people be disciples who make disciples, and live their lives on mission.
BE1MK1 was an experience before it was a mission.
Born out of a disciple making relationship over 20 years ago, Chip and Anthony have been partnering together in Kingdom work ever since. Long before they knew the phrase ‘relational disciple making’ they were living it. Chip discipled Anthony to faith in Jesus and continued to help him grow to become more like Jesus. Over the years they have continued to partner together in training others to be disciples who make disciples and live on mission with Jesus.

Meet the Team
Chip Pugh
Anthony Rex
Marcus Stenson
Dr. Rob Owens
Paul Huyghebaert
Nicole Pugh
Michael Sain
Stephanie Shearer
Jeffrey Marks
Jeff Collier